Top 8 College Breakfast Ideas to Rev up Your Day

You don’t have a lot of extra time in the morning. You have to get your butt out of bed and
hike across campus to class by 8 am, and after last night’s cram session, you’re probably looking
for cheap breakfast ideas to keep you focused through morning classes until you can snag
lunch. Don’t just grab a sugar-filled Poptart and hope the brain fog disappears. You need
something filling and healthy you can grab on the go, a hearty morning meal to start your day off
right. Look no further. We’ve got the perfect list to choose from that will get your energy up and
keep your wallet full.

Student Taste Buds Tested- Healthy Moms Approved-
No, It’s not Trix

Aside from the cereal aisle, you may not enjoy food shopping. It’s money and time you don’t
have, but we’ve made it super easy and budget-friendly to shop once a week for breakfast. All
you need to do is check out the meal-prepping list below, find your favorites, build, and shop!
Plus, since it’s healthy, Mom might let you raid the cupboards at home when you stop by for
laundry day. We’ll keep it easy peasy lemon squeezy. Check out these recipes for college
students that will keep the brain fog away and get you to class on time.

Overnight Oats- Mix it up all week

If you need a grab-and-go option, this is one of the quickest and healthiest options when you
think of breakfast for college students. You can buy quick oats in bulk to last an entire month
or keep them in rotation so you don’t get bored. It takes less than 5 minutes to make, PLUS you
can get dressed, pack your book bag, or finish editing that essay due today while it sets. Throw in
fresh berries and some tasty yogurt, or drizzle some peanut butter and cinnamon on top to keep
things fresh, then put it in a cup and eat while you walk.

Mug Muffins- Tasty and Travel Friendly

Sticking with the travel idea, you can enjoy this breakfast at the kitchen table or on the go.
All you need is an oversized microwaveable mug, those quick oats you bought, bananas,
cinnamon, eggs, and whatever fruit you prefer this week. Mix 1 egg, 1 ripe banana, 1/3 c oats,
and a dash of cinnamon in your mug. Heat it in the microwave for 90 seconds, and breakfast is
served by the time you grab your fork and put your shoes on! Top with fruit of your choosing,
and voila! Now you have breakfast and a mug to refill on coffee on campus.

Home-style Egg Muffins

This is one of our favorite breakfast ideas for college students because you can use a
muffin tin to make so many breakfast muffins yet get a variety at the same time. We know you
don’t want to eat the same thing every day, so spice it up with 1 egg per muffin space, then add
in shredded cheese, pico de gallo and spinach, or chop up a sweet potato with brown sugar for a
sweet morning treat. Bake 12 muffins, freeze them for the week, and toss 2 in the microwave
while you get dressed for class. Easy peasy, right?

Granola and Yogurt Mix

No microwave? No problem. This option requires no cooking; some assembly is required.
Buy a big bag of granola, but get the bag of pieces, not the fine stuff like oatmeal. We want
sustenance for this breakfast option. Then, get a big tub of plain Greek yogurt so you can add in
your flavor with nuts or berries. Besides no cooking, the best thing about this quick breakfast is
that you can put it in the freezer already mixed up. Then, just get it out and let it thaw as you get
ready for class. It’s simple. It’s healthy. It’s quick.

Blueberry Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

Smoothies are one of the most versatile breakfast options. They are also on the list for easy
college lunches if you want an afternoon burst of energy. What is better than having a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich for lunch…in a drink? College students need a creative way to stay
healthy; a sandwich in a glass without bread is just the ticket. Blend your milk, frozen
blueberries, a whole banana, and some peanut butter together and you have a PB&J on the go.
The best part is that you already have most of the ingredients on your list from the breakfast
options above.

Scrambled Egg Skillet

Make your breakfast for the week by baking a full sheet of egg skillet. It’s easy; you clean up
once and can nuke your breakfast in 1 minute. Pick your favorite protein, like chicken or turkey
bacon, and chop. Chop spinach and sweet peppers; pick up your choice of shredded hash browns
or fried potatoes for carb energy, and grab your carton of eggs. On a sheet pan, cook your meat
and potatoes. When they are about ¾ done, add your greens and peppers to warm them up.
Remove the pan of cooked goodies and pour your egg mix over everything. Put the pan back in
the oven for about 2 minutes to let your egg cook.

Granola Bars

One of the simplest college breakfast ideas is to purchase premade snacks to grab and go.
Just make sure you make a healthy choice and go high in fiber and protein and low in sugars.
Protein bars are another option that you don’t have to cook or clean; plus, you can pack them in
your bag for a snack between classes. If you want a healthier option, mix your quick oats,
granola pieces, peanut butter, some honey, and dark chocolate chips to mix in a bowl and lay it
out on a sheet. Freeze the pan for 3 hours and have homemade healthy granola bars.

Tacos and Burritos

Keep that sheet pan out, or make them each morning. Besides your existing list, all you need
to grab is soft taco or burrito tortillas. Lay 6 small tortillas on the pan, sprinkle shredded cheese
and spinach and crack one egg per tortilla. Slide the pan in the oven for just a few minutes, and
voila! You have 6 days of quick breakfast you can wrap and eat on the go. You can eat them cold
the next morning or pack some for lunch as well. Tasty tip- dip them in some salsa for a zingy

Make Your Healthy Easy Breakfast and Eat it too!

Healthy college meals don’t have to break your weekly food allowance; you don’t have to
live off last night’s pizza and sugary box cereal. It just takes a little thought and some meal
prepping, and you can be the envy of your first class when you walk in with a breakfast taco or
mug muffin. The best part of these quick breakfast options is that you can munch on any of them
while doing research, homework, or searching for the best college paper writing service to help
you manage the rest of your Friday afternoon. You see, you really can have your cake and eat it